How do you get inside a 3d building/object? (Camera placement)
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Published date : 1 month ago
Updated date : 30 days ago
1 month agoIf I explain in detail, the article will become too long, so I will first explain the overview.
There are two main ways to use the interior set of a building.
・Delete the wall (move or hide it)
・Hide objects close to the viewpoint
CLIP STUDIO PAINT has a function called "Object List".
By using this function, you can hide or move some parts.
However, depending on the 3D model, you may not be able to operate only the desired parts.
For basic usage of 3D materials, please check these TIPS.
CLIP STUDIO PAINT also has a function to hide objects depending on the distance from the viewpoint.
Change the value of "Near Plane" in "Rendering Settings".
If you need more detailed explanation, please ask your question in the field below.- Japanese
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