When Adding a Control Point, Can We Switch the Default From Corner to Curve?
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Published date : 26 days ago
Updated date : 19 days ago
26 days agoIt took me a while to recreate your question.
"A" was drawn with the straight line tool in the shape tools. If you add control points with the object tool, it becomes a "corner point."
For "B," I made a duplicate of "A," touched it with "Simplify Vector Line" to change the attributes, and then added control points with the object tool, which became a "curve point."
It seems that the type of control point is determined by the attributes of the vector line type.
- Japanese
25 days agoOh wow, I never noticed that. So points added with "Add Control Point" behave differently depending on which tool you used in the "Direct Draw" tab to create the line or shape.
Adding a control point to Straight line, Polyline, Rectangle or Polygon lets you click to add the corner point, then move it into place before letting go of the mouse.
Adding a control point to Curve makes you add a curve point, but then you have to switch over to the move point tool to move it into place.
Adding a control point to Continuous curve, Bezier curve, and Ellipse lets you add a curve point, then move it into place before letting go of the mouse... (Which is what I need)
- English
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