i deleted a file and reset my csp help
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ok so i accidentally deleted a file and it reset my csp to default. all my brushes all my colors and settings gone. i found some files in a software recovery app and the clip studio app said it was downloading it but none of my brushes or colors are back. please help. ive had this program for like 6 years alot of those brushes were special to me.
Published date : 5 days ago
Updated date : 5 days ago
5 days ago1.
Did you delete the files in the [CELSYS folder (settings folder)]? Or did you delete this folder in its entirety?
The installation folder, setting folder, and the files in them do not usually need to be moved or deleted manually.
However, if you have previously backed up the [CELSYS folder], you may be able to use it to restore your environment.
In that case, apply the method in the FAQ below.
>Windows: I want to copy my custom settings for Clip Studio Paint to another PC - Clip Studio Official Support
2. If you do not have a previous backup:
a: Materials downloaded from CLIP STUDIO ASSETS can be downloaded again from [Download History] and set in CSP.
However, materials that have been deleted from CLIP STUDIO ASSETS cannot be downloaded again.
In this case, if there is no separate backup, it cannot be restored.
b: Please repeat the same procedure for materials that you have set to CSP from outside CLIP STUDIO ASSETS.
From now on, be sure to back up any [special materials] that are important to you.
Some things, such as brushes and color sets, can be exported.
Also, by backing up the [CELSYS folder (settings folder)] regularly, you can go back to the time of the backup and recreate your working environment in an event like this.
Copy the [CELSYS folder (settings folder)] to an external storage medium or another directory (folder) on your PC.
If this does not apply, try writing from the "Post an answer" button below and you should get another answer.
- Japanese
5 days agoidk i was just deleting random stuff that i didnt thinnk was important. and i think i deleted a celsys folder??? I thought it was a old version of csp that wasnt needed!!!!
- English
5 days agoThere are many files and folders that the app uses even if you don't think they are important.
Those are not usually places that users touch.
I think this problem occurred because you deleted something important.
If you wanted to uninstall the old version, you should have done it correctly from Windows' [Control Panel → Programs and Features].
This is not limited to CSP.
Not limited to CSP, but usually, things added to the app later (such as materials) will revert to default in this case.
If you don't have a past backup, I think you have no choice but to rebuild from scratch to get as close as possible to the original environment.
You have no choice but to give up on materials that you cannot currently get.
As I already wrote above, if you have a backup folder or backup file that you prepared before the environment was broken, it will be one way to restore your working environment.
Try [2].
I'll write it again, but if the materials you didn't back up are not available anywhere else, I'm sorry, but I think you have no choice but to give up.
To prevent this from happening again in the future, it would be helpful to re-examine the functions and operations of your PC and get into the habit of backing up important data.
- Japanese
5 days agoIf you deleted it from the system, it is in your trash bin. Just restore it.
- English
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