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I can't directly transform or move the image on the imported image material layer.

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Suddenly today, I can no longer directly transform or move the image material layers I've loaded, even by clicking or dragging them.
I can transform or move them by selecting "Transform" and "Scale/Rotate" from the Edit menu.
How can I transform or move the image material layers I've loaded, just by clicking or dragging them with the mouse, instead of using the Edit menu, as I was able to do before?

Published date : 5 days ago

Updated date : 4 days ago


  • 5 days ago
    Isn't that a raster image, not an image material? In your previous question, you didn't distinguish between raster layers and image materials.
    You can determine that it is an image material because you can see the blue handles and the image material icon in the layer palette,
    but are you saying that the image material layer cannot be directly transformed or moved by clicking or dragging?
    If you're not sure, please post a screenshot of the situation in which you feel that the image material cannot be directly transformed.
    • Japanese

  • 5 days ago
    There was a typo.
    Incorrect: In the previous question, you also didn't distinguish between raster layers and image materials.
    Correct: In the previous question, you also didn't distinguish between vector layers and image materials.
    • Japanese

  • 5 days ago
    For now, why not take measures such as marking the previous question as "solved"?

    Regarding this issue, please check that "Add selection" in the "Operation" category of the sub-tool details of the object tool is not set to "Partial release."
    • Japanese

  • 4 days ago

    I am a Windows 10 user of Crysta Paint Grade EX, V 3.2.2 (V1.0 one-time payment <unlimited version> + update plan).

    If you ask the same type of question over and over again, Chi-chan will scold you...
    Both questioners and respondents can continue the Q&A by clicking "Enter answer" at the bottom.
    • Japanese

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