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CSP Version Updated cloud program instead of resident program.

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After updating CSP Windows 10 version 1.6.2 to 1.6.8. using the downloaded installer from the celsys page to which I am directed, the version number of CSP continues to show 1.6.2 when I check it. When I click CSP icon on my screen, CSP opens in version 1.6.2. When I click the icon that shows on the command bar, a window opens with options for PAINT and ASSETS. When I click PAINT, the window disappears and I am back to the screen of version 1.6.2. What's going on? (The properties listed in desktop icon say ver 1.5 )
There is a listing for CSP in the "new program" list that opens a cloud version of CSP. This is ver. 1.6.8. It seems that what updated is a cloud version of CSP, not my resident version, which remains 1.6.2. What's that about?
Shouldn't running the 1.6.8. installer update my resident program to that most current version?

Published date : 6 years ago

Updated date : 6 years ago


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