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The rule of "1 activation key for 2 computers": what if I replace the 2nd computer?

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My question concerns the use of the serial number.

A year ago, I bought CSP Pro to install it on my "A" laptop PC using the serial number. A few months later I bought a desktop PC so that I could use CSP Pro on 2 computers. So I used the serial number to activate it on this second PC (desktop PC "B"). But after installation, I realized that the graphics card in this PC "B" was not compatible with OpenGL 2.1, so I returned this PC "B" to the vendor and got my money back.

For a few months I therefore continued to use CSP Pro on my PC "A" only, because I no longer had PC "B".

I now want to use the serial number to install CSP Pro on the new PC "C" I just purchased. Indeed, I want to be able to use CSP Pro on PC "A" when I am on the move and on PC "C" when I am at home.

My question is: do I have to buy a serial number to be able to install CSP Pro on PC "C" even if I no longer have the 2nd PC (PC "B") on which I had it installed? Indeed I want to use CSP Pro only on 2 computers (PC "A" and PC "C"), nothing more! And I'm the only user, no one else in the house is using this software.

Thank you for your help :)

Published date : 3 years ago

Updated date : 3 years ago


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