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Illustrations in the middle of drawing are not displayed

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Save the illustration in the middle of drawing to the desktop, and then try to start drawing again works
I tapped the illustration in the middle of drawing in, but the illustration is not displayed. Illustrations in other works are displayed. Does this mean that the data has disappeared? Please let me know if you made a mistake in saving.

Published date : 2 years ago

Updated date : 2 years ago


Best Answer
  • 2 years ago
    If the canvas opened from Work Management does not appear on the screen,
    The canvas may have moved off the screen.

    Initialize by the following method → Check only [Window display position] → [OK]

    If you do not see it, you may want to talk to support.

  • 2 years ago
    I contacted support and resolved it.
    The cause was that the display on the computer was unchecked.
    Thank you very much.
    • Japanese

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