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El número de serie es incorrecto

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Hace unos días compré clip studio paint pro mediante la oferta que se daba. puse la licencia en el programa y me ba bien, sin ningún fallo, pero al momento de poner el producto en la página (señalada en la imagen) me sale el título de ésta pregunta. Lo que me preocupa es que si mi pc le ocurre algo y quiero usarlo, puede que no pueda recuperar el programa debido a esa cosa que me impide autentificarlo en mi cuenta. necesito ayuda, pues no dispongo del dinero suficiente como para comprar más productos.

lo que me preocupa es que no se autentifique, lo que me lleva a preguntar ¿Si ya puse la licencia en el programa y funcionó, por qué sale que es incorrecto?
también me pregunto ¿Si mi pc muere y consigo otro podré poner la misma licencia?
¿es problema de la página?
¿me equivoqué al comprar el producto? (en este caso la empresa debería dar apoyo y aclarar las cosas)

sin más que decir, espero que alguien me pueda prestar su ayuda para resolver todo este lío en el que estoy metido con respecto al programa y la empresa. :c

Published date : 4 years ago

Updated date : 4 years ago


  • Not applicable
    4 years ago
    Disadvantages are in various situations.

    If the serial number received by e-mail is stored in a place other than the computer, it can be lost even if the computer breaks down.
    A place other than a computer is, for example, a printer-out, but there is a disadvantage of losing memo paper that has been printed out.
    If you register on My Page here, even if your computer breaks down or you lose your note paper, you can restore your rights with your serial number by logging in.
    Then, if you forget or lose your login password due to some mistake, you will not be able to log in and you will not be able to recover.
    Even if you can't log in, you'll be lucky enough to have a purchase record, and if you contact support, you may recover your rights, but it takes time.
    Also, I will not register the serial number in the user registration because I do not allow re-registration of the serial number by recreating the account.

    In short, since there is no absolute safety, all measures must be taken in double and triple ways to reduce risk. I think it depends on your management skills and values.

    What are your concerns now? To resolve this, contact support to verify your purchase record and account,
    For the time being, the half-price sale that hasn't been held yet, you may have to keep a quiet look until it settles in the middle of a careless user's trouble.

    I'm sorry if the meaning of the question is different.
    • Japanese

  • 4 years ago
    “Creation support site CLIP STUDIO” was originally a service for users in Japan.
    “Current account registration is possible, but there is no guarantee of operation”. I haven't heard the announcement that this has been resolved yet.
    On that screen, you can see the description of “CLIPPY” that should not be available to overseas users yet.

    As for the serial number of the product, even if it is the Japanese version, the download version is not subject to registration, with some exceptions.
    • Japanese

  • 4 years ago
    So ... as long as it is in my email, what I will not lose by having everything checked on that one, does not a problem occur?
    • Spanish

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