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Help with using CSP with two different devices

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Hi! I've been using CSP for years on my Windows PC and I bought a one-purchase perpetual 2.0 license when it came out. Now I'm about to get an Android tablet and I want to use CSP on it:
What can I do to get my devices to communicate? I'm quite confused.
Can I use the *same account* with two different plans-one per device- and have the same settings, brushes and download on both?
Or should I cancel my perpetual one-time-purchase subscription (that I've been using for years) just to change to a monthly plan (which I'm not really keen on getting)?
I'm quite confused at the moment and looking into the various official options made me even more confused.

  • 11 days ago
    What Abata said, "I bought it as a one-time purchase when the 2.0 permanent license was released," is only available for PC (Windows/MacOS) and is not available for Android.
    The Android version is subscription payment only.
    • Japanese

  • 11 days ago
    Ok so what can I do then? If I buy the Android subscription can I still use the same account on the tablet and transfer files, brushes, assets I bought and downloaded between tablet and PC?
    • English

  • 11 days ago
    An account is the right to log in here, and each person can only have one.
    You can transfer settings and works by using the cloud, but other downloaded materials cannot be transferred because they are on a different OS platform. Please re-download them one by one.
    • Japanese

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