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About text and speech bubble tools.

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I want to create the dialogue for my manga manuscript with "text" and create the speech bubble on a separate layer using the "speech bubble tool", but when I create it in the part I want to create with the speech bubble tool, it is created on the layer of the text there, and I cannot create them separately.
So, as a way to separate them, I make the text "hidden" and then create the speech bubble there, but that means I can't see the position or size of the dialogue (text), so after creating the speech bubble, I have to display the text again and then fine-tune it... it's a hassle.
Another way seems to be to create the speech bubble on the text layer once, then cut out just the speech bubble and attach it to a separate layer, but that also involves the hassle of "cutting and attaching to a separate layer".
Is there a way to create a large number of speech bubbles with the "speech bubble tool" on a separate layer while keeping the text displayed, without having to go through that troublesome process?

Maybe it's a long-winded way of saying it...
Sorry if this is hard to understand;

If anyone can explain, please help.

Published date : 10 days ago

Updated date : 10 days ago


Best Answer
  • 10 days ago
    Select the balloon tool → Open the [Sub Tool] details → [Create balloon] item → Uncheck [Merge to text at drawing position]
    Try creating a balloon in this state.

  • 10 days ago
    Thank you everyone for your quick responses!!
    I was able to solve the problem using Chaya's method, so I've chosen this as the best answer.
    Thank you Shinan for your advice too!!

    It really helped me a lot ^_^
    • Japanese

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