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touch and pen act weird together

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technical details:
device - Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 13 (DHT -W1321) & a Pro Pen 2
app - clip studio paint version 2.0
Windows 11

I've had my touch and pen functions acting weird for the past 4 days; usually, when getting close with a pen to the screen, the touch functions would automatically be disabled for me to draw properly (as the hand holding the pen is also touching the screen constantly). but now when the same thing is done, the app would register both my touch and pen at the same time, causing the canvas to sometime move/ rotate/ zoom on its own, also it results in my accidently touching UI buttons on the right side of the screen, like layers and layer options - a lot of inconvenience and mishaps.

whoever also owns those devices and versions of CSP, can you tell me what can I do to fix the problem?
Thank you.

Published date : 14 days ago

Updated date : 7 days ago


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