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I don't want to rotate the decoration brush direction up and down

  • VIEW 1,306
  • Total 7
Thank you for your help.
When I draw a curve using the decoration brush, it deforms along the direction of travel as shown in the attached image (left in the image), but is there a way to draw it while maintaining the top and bottom (right in the image)?
I would be grateful if you could let me know.
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer
  • 20 days ago
    Not possible. To da that the brush must be normal spaced brush, not a ribbon. It defeats the purpose of a ribbon brush. Draw two lines separately, transform them with mesh and connect them at intersection.

  • 19 days ago

    Thank you for your reply!

    Thank you for taking the time to provide two examples.

    I wanted to draw a lot of strips, so it was difficult to mesh transform each one, but it was helpful to know that it wasn't possible!
    • Japanese

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