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Save font ruby settings

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Is it possible to save the "ruby" font settings?
Do I have to re-enter the font type, size, position, etc. every time I select it?

Published date : 12 days ago

Updated date : 11 days ago


  • 11 days ago
    Is it locked? You can turn it on/off by clicking the lock icon in [Tool Properties] or by going to [Ξ] → [Lock], but if it's locked, when you return to the text tool after selecting another tool, the settings will probably revert to what they were before you changed it.
    You might be able to reduce the effort by creating (or duplicating) multiple text tools, setting the settings you use most often for each, pressing the [Sub Tool Details → Register all settings to default] button, and then locking them.

    If the settings are strange even though the tool isn't locked, try pressing the [Restore all settings to default] button or adding a new text tool.

    If this doesn't apply to you, try writing another answer by continuing from "Post an answer" below.
    • Japanese

  • 11 days ago
    Thank you for your answer.

    It's difficult to write, but I can leave all the settings except for "ruby" by doing what you said, but the ruby settings are the only ones that I can't change the values for before editing.

    The defaults are
    Ruby size: "50"
    Ruby position: "Aligned to top"
    Ruby character spacing: "Even 1"

    Is it just my environment?
    • Japanese

  • 11 days ago
    If you enter text, then select the string to which you want to add ruby and set the ruby,
    only the settings for that text object will change, so the settings for the text tool will not change (new text will be entered using the tool settings)
    After selecting the text tool, set the ruby in the text tool's tool properties before placing the cursor on the canvas, and then try entering text.
    • Japanese

  • 11 days ago
    The problem has been solved. I don't know what the cause was.
    By the way, the font had always been unlocked.
    I don't know what caused this to happen, but after fiddling with the font values, I was able to enter and change the ruby values even before editing. (I also tried turning the lock on and off, so maybe that's what caused it to return to normal...?)
    That was the point where our discussion didn't quite mesh in the first place.
    Thank you so much for all your opinions.
    • Japanese

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