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Communication management stops when clip studio material is downloaded

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I am leaving a question because this problem has continued to occur since the 3.0 update.
When you download a few materials and engage in other activities, the communication management download bar often stops in the middle.
If you press pause on a material that is stopped like that, you will be blocked from pausing as well as quitting Clip Studio, saying that communication is in progress.

The only way is to press stop or force quit, but this happens 9 times out of 10 when downloading.
Is there any way to fix it? There is no problem at all on iPad, and it only happens on PC.
I don't think this method is related to material reconstruction at all... I did it recently.

  • 16 days ago
    Nice to meet you.
    I'm not a professional, but is there a difference in the specs of the computer and the tablet?
    In that case, the processing power of the computer may not be able to keep up. Also, in a past question, someone had a similar problem due to antivirus software, so why not try disabling it only while downloading?
    Another thing, although it may be difficult while downloading, is to not use other functions to reduce the burden on the computer.
    I'm sorry if this doesn't answer your question.
    I hope your problem is solved.
    • Japanese

This question was closed.

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