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I can no longer draw on the canvas in Clip Studio on my iPad

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I can no longer draw on the canvas in CLIP STUDIO PAINT on my iPad.
I am using the Apple Pencil.
Common mistakes include:
- Selecting the eraser tool
- Locking the transparent pixels of the layer
- Selecting the background color or transparent color
- Selecting somewhere
I am not in these situations.
I can select the tool, but it does not respond within the canvas.
The same thing happens when I try opening a new canvas.

Published date : 1 month ago

Updated date : 1 month ago


Best Answer
  • 1 month ago
    I've been getting this question a lot recently, and it's almost always because the pen pressure setting is too stiff.
    In other words, it means that you can't draw a line unless you press it down on the screen with a lot of force.
    Try drawing with a marker or other pen with the "no pressure" setting, and if you can draw normally, that's it.
    Why not try adjusting the pen pressure detection level from the Clip Studio icon in the upper left?

  • 1 month ago
    Thank you for your reply.
    I checked it and it was a problem with the pen pressure detection as you said...!
    I was able to draw without any problems after opening the pen pressure detection settings.
    Thank you very much for your help this time 🙇
    • Japanese

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