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Textured brushes and resolution

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When I use a rough-textured oil paint brush to draw or paint on a low-resolution canvas, the roughness of the brush is emphasized, making it look dirty and making it difficult to understand what is being drawn. Is there any solution other than increasing the resolution to overcome this situation? The resolution depends on the canvas size, but when it is below 300 dpi, the situation mentioned above occurs, but if the resolution is increased, the image becomes too smooth and difficult to draw. I set anti-aliasing to strong and image stabilization to 100, but there is not much change.

Published date : 1 month ago

Updated date : 19 days ago


Best Answer
  • 1 month ago
    The dpi in "resolution" refers to the density of dots per unit area, so if you say a resolution of 300 dpi, most people won't get it.
    I think it would be better to include the size of the canvas, such as 300 dpi for A5.
    Or the pixel size of the canvas in both length and width.

    You wrote that "the roughness of the brush is emphasized," so I think you're painting on an extremely small canvas.

    > Rough-textured oil paint brush
    Which brush is that? Is it this one?

  • 19 days ago
    Thank you for your reply. It seems that the canvas size was too small as you said.
    • Japanese

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