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Opening a canvas and drawing causes it to freeze

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ClipStudioEX 3.0.2
iPadPro (12.9 inches) (6th generation)
Storage is 134GB/256GB in use
Allocated to applications 60%
Undo count 50
Color theme is light
Auto backup is on, interval 10 minutes
Open Clip Studio → Open work from work list → Draw
For the past few days, when I try to create in this order, it freezes at the first action of opening the canvas, such as the first line of drawing, midway through selecting an area, creating a new layer, etc. If I wait like that, the app will crash.
In the background, there is usually nothing open, or X and Safari are open.
Even if I try to initialize and start the device from the settings app or restart the device, it sometimes works better immediately after I run it, but the same symptoms appear again soon after.
I don't know what the cause is, so I wrote down as much information as I could that could be a clue. I apologize if any necessary information is missing or if unnecessary information is just noise. Thank you in advance.

Published date : 12 days ago

Updated date : 6 days ago


Best Answer
  • 12 days ago
    We recommend that you back up the files in the "Clip Studio" folder in "This iPad" to a different folder, back up the app settings to the cloud, and then reinstall the app (uninstall -> reinstall).
    (In the case of iPad, materials cannot be backed up, so you will need to redownload them)


  • 6 days ago
    I'm sorry that I was late in choosing the best answer yesterday because I was unfamiliar with it. Thank you for your answer! In the end, the cause was that the iOS update had not gone well. I was very relieved to receive your quick answer, and I am grateful for it.
    • Japanese

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