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This is a question about the color difference in CLIPSTUDIO PAINT export. If anyone knows, please tell me.

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I am using an iMac (4K Retina) and Clip Studio.

In Clip Studio, it is a pastel color, but when the image is exported, the color saturation is high.
The left is a jpg image, and the right is the color worked in Clip Studio.
Even though the iMac display and Clip Studio both set the color profile to sRGB IEC61996-2.1, this problem does not go away.
Is it a problem with the Clip Studio program or am I doing the settings wrong?

How can I export (jpg) the same color as the color worked in Clip Studio?
(Even if you compare the image and Clip Studio together on the same monitor, it is different..)

Published date : 2 years ago

Updated date : 2 years ago


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