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export error

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All exports don't work. I'm using Android and I've tried resetting it, but when I just press export, the app stops.
I can save it, but I can't move the file to the gallery.

Published date : 10 days ago

Updated date : 3 days ago


  • 10 days ago
    As a temporary measure, is it possible to save or duplicate the file under a different name such as PNG, JPG, or WebP and save it in the default location?
    If possible, you can display the folder (default save destination) at the following link in the Files app, copy it, and move it to any folder.
    This location is an example for Galaxy, so I think the location and folder name where the app is installed will differ slightly depending on the model for other Android devices.
    In the case of Galaxy, it seems that it may not be possible to display it due to permissions, so this is only possible if it is possible to display it.
    Please report the export error to support.
    • Japanese

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