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Any future plans to add 2-D drawing/rendering acceleration via GPU and the full Filter suite in the NA version?

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I've really grow to love Clip Studio over the past few months, but I've had a fair share of hassles with it too. Many, if not most features cause the program to run unbearably slow at 600dpi, and even crash/indefinitely freeze the program on occasion, (and this is on newer hardware with 32gb DDR4 RAM). I think the program should be optimized to take advantage of GPU computations, and not just for 3-D models. This should be a top priority in fact.

I'm also wondering if there are plans to release the full-suite of Filters/Effects for non-Japanese users?

( `・∀・´)ノヨロシク

Published date : 6 years ago

Updated date : 6 years ago


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