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About the concentration of Kakeamitone

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He recently started drawing while studying how to use manga in Crysta.
When I downloaded and pasted Kakeamitone, I thought it was too dark and wanted to make it a thin Kakeamitone. There

(1) Make the Kakeami tone grayscale and make it the desired density with transparency before making the tone.
(2) Make Kakeami tone grayscale, apply pixel lock to the layer, fill it with your favorite color, and then tone it.

Is it possible to deal with it in this way? ??
Or should I look for a thin Kakeamitone material from the beginning?
I don't know much, so I remember how to use it through various trials and errors.
If you can understand it, thank you. M (_ _) m

Published date : 2 years ago

Updated date : 2 years ago


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